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What is findability?

Here is a short definition provided by Wikipedia:

"Findability is the ease with which information contained on a website can be found, both from outside the website (using search engines and the like) and by users already on the website. Although findability has relevance outside the World Wide Web, the term is usually used in that context.
Most relevant websites do not come up in the top results because designers and engineers do not cater to the way ranking algorithms work currently. Its importance can be determined from the first law of e-commerce, which states "If the user can’t find the product, the user can’t buy the product."[...]
Findability encompasses aspects of information architecture, user interface design, accessibility and search engine optimization (SEO), among others."

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Targeted keywords

Keywords are essential components of usability and UX on the web. In fact, there is a big market based on keyword analysis, selection and implementation. On this webpage, I have used a selection of keywords that I believe will bring a lot of organic traffic. To maximise my success, I have used various keywords finder tools to define which words are not competitive yet rank high on search engine results pages.

Targeted keywords comparison chart

When choosing keywords, it is important to go for old established words. This is because most neologisms or new words have not been adopted by the majority of users. Although they might be popular among a certain crowd, they don't necessarily improve usability. It is also important to keep in mind that common keywords will work best only if the content of a webpage is correctly structured and appropriately linked.

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Mark-up Techniques

Mark-up techniques are all about structuring the content of a webpage so that it remains searchable from both the search engine and the entry page. A good mark-up supports accessibility, usability and obeys universal design principles. A good mark-up must be validated for the web and UX friendly. This means that there should be certain standardised elements on a page: a header, navigation, footer; some sections, articles and asides.

Mark-up techniques define and present the content to users. A good mark-up makes a page easy to navigate and is therefore more likely to improve the conversion rate of a website for better SEO. The conversion rate of a website indicates how long each visitor stays on a webpage or re-visit a webpage. A poorly marked-up webpage that ranks high on Search Engine Results Pages will not retain a lot of people beyond the entry page. There is no substitute for good mark-up when it comes to website findability.